Even though the cost of homeschooling can be high, you can absolutely get by very well on a tight shoe string budget.
Today I wanted to share my homeschool supply list so you can work out what it will cost in terms of resources and costs to get started or to restock if you're already started. It's broken up into
1) Learning materials
2) Basic materials for everyday use
3) Equipment that's really useful
4) fancy extra stuff.
These list are by no means exhaustive, just what comes to mind right now:
1) Learning Materials (some free, some paid for that I find useful, but just opitional)
A few work books on the subjects you want your children to learn (you can start with maths, spelling, reading, writing, phonics and a language or science
A good supply of reading books for the child's age and a few years above and preferably a library card to go and read different books ever so often
Links to a few free websites with learning activities
A subscription to an online learning system or a computer learning program to make learning a bit more interesting (and to get them familiar with using computers at the same time)
2) Basic materials for everyday use
Plain white paper
Lined white paper
pens or pencils
Rulers - 6inch, 12inch and
3) Really Useful Equipment (some of which you may have in your home anyway)
Colour or black and white printer
Black and Coloured printer ink
Laminator and pouches
Digital camera
4) Fancy Extra Stuff
Fancy art bits and bobs - Spangles, those shiny sparkly decoration that come in different colours, googly eyes, feathers, craft sticks etc
Paints and brushes
Tissue paper
Crepe paper
Playdough, plastercine (or ingredients to make your own)
Playdough cutters and tools (you can get set of playdough shape cutters, little rolling pins, rolling blades for cutting etc)
Elastic bands
Cd player and cd's
Musical instruments (preferably mainly wooden and cultural i.e. drums)
As far as costs are concerned, you can get started with 3 children for as little as £30 a month or spend up to £100 a month on 1 child if you include educational magazine subscriptions, private tutors and drama, dance and music classes.
We probably spent £30 to get started (mainly on printer ink to print of lots of free worksheets, tracing sheets and coloring sheets, then paints, craft materials, pencils, colours etc), then maybe £40 a month thereafter, made up of £10 a week picking things up as we went along.
Now I use an online learning program for the older 2 children now called Time 4 Learning which is about £25 a month and covers a lot of maths, science, language arts and language art extension which I like so in total we spend an average of £40 a month on all 4 children, not include the occassional trips and restocking workbooks 2-3 times a year.
There are some months when we actually don't spend anything but the £25 online program fee and other months when I might go crazy and spend £60 or really fancy art supplies, brand new books gadgets and more.
I'd love to hear what other homeschooling families are using and spending on their homeschool supplies, so please comment below.
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Hatep yasar
Mut Bast.tet En Re
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