Sunday, 7 October 2012

Our Homeschool Day Plan For This Week

Raahub Yasar!!!

As I move towards a slightly more relaxed way of teaching, I tried out a new day scheduled that worked quite well last week, so I thought I'd share it with you this week.

Like most of my plan, they'll probably change after following it for  a few days but if it works as well as it did last week, it could be a keeper!

8:30 - Zamam (morning) warm drink, house work, snack (normally fruit, a smoothie or nut/seed milk or nuts and dates) and prayer & Chant

9:30 - Reading hour - We all sit down together, I read them a story each, then each of them read a story out loud to all of us, then they each read a book on their own, with plenty of discussion time sprinkled in.

11:00 - Water, Prepare and eat breakfast and then clean up

12:00 - Mir - maths, reading, writing, reasoning workbook and worksheets of their choice and as much or as little as they feel like doing (with plenty of encouragement, praise and support they'll always do more than enough, but still feel in control)

1:30 - Water and smoothie break

2:00 - Mir continued - more workbooks, works sheets, discussion time, special projects, lapbooks etc

2:45 -Water, Prayer & Chant, light lunch or snack and clear up

3:30 - Nuwaupic, art, craft, dance or music

4:30 -Water break then 1-2-1 time - I'll do an activity with just one of the kharadu while the others go off and play of work on the computer, this can be anything from making a salad, to and art project, to read a book together, sewing, playing hide and seek and something else they want to do)

5pm - Mir's finished for the day,

Learning will often continue with more reading before bed which could be stories, Paa Taraq or the Actual facts which will all involve some level of discussion, some more lengthy than others. We'll also play scrabble, cards games, Mind Bender or other educational games around bed time too.

If some things take longer than others on some days or some things even get missed out, it's no big deal, we just go with the flow, at the children's pace and do what we can see makes them happy, interested and stimulated.

If either of us need to take 5, that's ok too as there are typically plenty of things to get them to do while I have a breather and if one of them look bored, agitated and in need of a break, it gives me time to focus more on the others,

I hope you find this helpful and feel free to share your day plan if you have one too

Hatep yasar

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