Friday, 25 January 2013

My Most Important Work (& My Confession)

Raahubaat Yasar!!!

I saw this on Large Families On Purpose's facebook page and couldn't agree more!  Thanks for sharing. 

Just in case you can't see the picture above, the quote reads: 

"Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the MOST IMPORTANT WORK"

I realized this a few months ago and it literally changed my life. I remember an old song where Paa Nabab Yaanun was talking with a sister and he was saying basically that it's our job as goddesses to raise the children. Not without the help and support of our husbands, partners or their fathers of course. 

I must admit that I've always been quite career minded and put my career goals and making money above my role as a homeschooling mother too many times than I care to mention, but I've now realized that I can, in fact, fulfill my career ambitions while being a dedicated homeschooling muldudtet. 

I have also been blessed with a very supportive and successful businessmen as a husband and a supportive family, who allow me to pursue homeschooling without fear of going without anything. 

It's not easy, quick or without pitfalls and you do need support, advice and guidance. But it is very rewarding to be able to groom and teach your own children, while watching them grow and flourish in Wu Nuwaup. 

This quote is a useful meditation of us all I feel, whether you're a homeschooling Nuwaupian yasar or not. 

Hatap Yasar

Mut Bastat En Rayay

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Nuwaupuyee Hopscotch from Masking tape

Raahub Yasar!

I got the idea from several Pintrest Posts, that you can use masking tape to make temporary games for your children to enjoy inside, that you would normally find outside. 

There were some really fun ones, but I thought I'd start with hopscotch, especially as they'd just learnt how to play it from watching Max & Ruby on Netflix!

If you don't know how to play hopscotch, here's a quick video demonstration, this isn't exactly how we played though - 

It took about 15mins to make it and it lasted for about 4 days.I made it on the living room rug where we eat, learn, play, dance and exercise. It was even swept and hoovered twice a day!

I'm probably going to buy a bed sheet and draw this onto it with a permanent maker so I can whip it out when I need it instead of making it each time, but I'm going to make some other floor games with masking tape soon that'll i'll share, including a race track for my son. 

Even though the point of it was to help the kharadu with their nuwaupuyee numbers, after walking over the for a few days, they finally sinked in for me!

You can of course do this with English numbers and getting the children to help you make it will be a fun family activity.

Hatap yasar

Mut Bastat En Rayay (in da house!!!)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Our Nuwaupuyee for the week - Jan 2013

Raahub yasar!!!

Thanks to recommendations from the Nuwaupian family, I've upgraded our nuwaupuyee poster so it only has the words we're learning in our script.

It's an exciting and slightly nerve wracking step as I'm not great with languages, but the Paa Taraq have given me sufficient motivation to commit to speaking and studying it daily with the children.

4 days a week, we begin Mir with dance and stretching then Nuwaupuyee which has been working well for us..

I want to say a big TAWUHAAT to the teachers of the classes on , you're all doing a really good job and I appreciate you all very much.

Also tawuhaat to the family helping out on the facebook Nuwaupic study group at 

The words we're studying this week are from the Zaman wu Garah (Day and Night) video on found here, which are

Today - Panan Zaman
Tomorrow - Ghadad
Yesterday - Barah
Before - Baa'ad
After - Qabal
Next - Tayal
Later - Fwatur
We can - Enen Qadur
Good night - Wawad Garah  

Hatap yasar
Mut Bastat En Rayay

Paa Munzal Nathur Amun Nabab Rayay Akh Ptah Djedtwy - Hu Kawan Harar!!!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

What are lapbooks?

Raahub yasar,

I first discovered lapbooks about 3 years ago and since then, we've probably made close to 50 of them on different topics.

In short, they are a folder which contains mini books, worksheets and other fun activities, all teaching different parts of one topic.

You can either buy lapbook packs where all the piece are laid out for you or you can make them yourself.

I like Hands of a child's lapbook packs and Homeschool share's. Here are their sites:

Here are some videos of other mothers showing the lapbooks they have made and a few videos showing how to make your own.  Soon I'll share some we've made.

A Plant lapbook: I have never made such an big lapbook, I was so impressed

A little boys train Lapbook - very cute

How to make a lapbook

One example of how to make mini books to put into a lapbook, there are lots of these minibooks you can use

If you decide to make one, enjoy!

Hatap yasar

Mut Bastat En Rayay

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Our budding scientist at work

Raahub yasar!!!

Just as I was about to buy an elaborate jewellery box for Mut Tiy En Rayay's (7yrs old) kharadu zamam (children's day) gift, she told me she wanted a chemistry set for her birthday in March. So for her birthday we'll probably take her to a science fair and for kharadu zamam she got this chemistry lab. It's for 10 year old's and over, but she's definitely ready for it's concepts.

We've read through the safety instructions and we're doing the first experiments now, which are introducing her to soluble and insoluble substances, dissolving, solutions, solvents and solutes.

The only drawback is that we opened the kit ready to get started, only to find there's a whole shopping list of stuff you need that aren't in the kit. Many are found around your home (i.e. salt, hydrogen peroxide, ground pepper etc) but quite a few we don't have (ie white sugar, food colouring, methylated spirit etc).

What she'll learn and experience by doing the experiments is worth the extra effort of getting the additional materials and she'll be able to perform 100 experiments in total.

It might be worth finding out the additional materials your desired kit needs before you buy it so you don't get off to a false start like we did.

As she is really into science right now, I got her to do a complete write up of the experiment, complete with a materials and equipment list, an explanation of what she did and a results table, just like I remember doing in secondary school. 

It was music to my ears when she said to me the next day "Muldudtet, we didn't do any Mir work yesterday morning", so I told her the experiment was Mir work and she said "THAT was work, that's my favorite work ever"!!!

We got ours for £26 from (click here) though I've noticed the price is currently just £19, if you want it get it while it's reduced.

Hatap yasar 

Mut Bastat En Rayay